2 WIPs

I am loving my 2 WIPs, Sacred and Dorcas Haynes. I’ve been able to stitch a lot on them this first week of July. Here is my progress on Sacred… You can see I’ve gotten quite a bit done this week. O Most Holy Heart of Jesus fountain of every blessing…stitching a prayer is a nice meditative thing to do, […]

Sacred…how it’s going after my vacation

I spent what stitching time I had on vacation working on Sacred by Teresa Kogut. I didn’t get as much done as I hoped, but it is looking good! We spent the week with my family at Lake Wawasee in Indiana. We had one stormy day (we had Stitching Club in the hotel with my mom and 2 of my […]

A Serendipitous Start

One of my sweet co-workers at The Attic has been working on the creation of a silk conversion. It has been laid out on a table percolating until it reaches a state of perfection. I have to walk by it everyday, with it calling my name, the siren song of my favorite autumnal colors in glorious Glorianas. This week, I […]

Do you want another post about the Strawberry Band??

Well, you’re getting one! This should be the second to last one. Then I will start posting about the acorns band but you probably won’t get so many posts about acorns! It is not so intense. Maybe the many posts reflect the real time it has been to get through all the queen stitches. I think they look great though. […]

Dorcas’ Strawberry Band III

I worked as much as I could this weekend on the strawberry band. It is coming along! Now that I have all the counting and method figured out it’s just the work. Queen stitches are a lot of work but they are so beautiful. The vine of course is very easy. I feel confident I will get this band done […]

Dorcas’ Strawberry Band II

Slowly slowly I’m getting through the Strawberry Band. Here I have almost half of it done. This weekend I put the little leaves on the berries, satin stitch, and started on the queen stitch leaves, which have many partial stitches. Here’s a close up: The Scarlet Letter graph is not very useful because it just gives the outline of the […]

Dorcas’ Strawberry Band

I have been TRYING to work on the Strawberry Band, this month’s assignment for Dorcas Haynes. It is TRICKY! Here I am… So far I have figured out how wide the backstitches are (the diagonals are over 2 and the horizontals are over 4, but the Scarlet Letter chart is not quite right…it is a little fudged I think, so […]

Bees and Funky Birds

I finished the Botanical Bee from Hands On Design! What a cheerful project, but there is a lot of stitching in it! I have it prepped for finishing. I am deciding on these 2 fabrics to back it as a circle ornament. I am leaning to the blue stripes as more elegant but I’m shopping around for opinions. Here is […]

Grapes and Squirrels

We spent all of Saturday cleaning and reorganizing our garage before it gets too hot. Our garage was full of debris and disorder from the remodel and we couldn’t get the car in it. My husband’s nice car shouldn’t be out in the sun all summer because it will ruin the paint. Mine is already old and ruined so we […]


I finished the grapevine outline yesterday! I started filling in! Look! I got the closed herringbone filling done in one night. I love that stitch. It is SO soothing and fun and fast to do. And I love the braided look it gives. I had enough silk to do the one green grape, right in the middle, satin stitched. I […]