January 2019 Smalls Check-In

Can you believe it is already the last Friday in January and time to check in with our first Smalls post of the year? 2019 is already flying by!

Because I live in Arizona, USA, which is Mountain Time, and I know many of you are far to the east of me, I am putting up the post up on Thursday night so that you can start posting your Smalls when it is Friday in your time zone. I hope that seems good to everyone. I also hope the new Linky Tools link up thing works for you all. Please get in touch if you have problems.

Enough “housekeeping!” Well, if you’re anything like me, you were hustling this week to get something done to show. Earlier this week I bravely began cutting my linen in my first hardanger piece, Holly Berries which is a Beyond Cross Stitch Learning kit from The Victoria Sampler:

Here are the bars halfway done-the weaving was fun!

And finished!

I am eager for advice on how to improve my cutting as it seems the little linen thread want to poke up between the threads of the kloster blocks. Any suggestions?

I also worked on my Very Merry Winter snowman by JBW Designs this week-it was supposed to be my contribution for the Ornies SAL in December. Better late than never and still a cute piece for January!

This picture is VERY blue. The linen and border are blue but not quite so blue.

I’m going to make it into a little pillow. I’d like to get on the dough bowl wagon and have lots of little seasonal pillows. This will be my first one for winter.

Now it’s your turn! I can’t wait to see what you’ve been stitching this month!

18 thoughts on “January 2019 Smalls Check-In

    • Author gravatar

      Thank you so much for hosting. All linked up. Love your beautiful hardanger finish. The only suggestion I’ve ever heard is to have really really small tip scissors so you can get all those little threads that stick out. Love the JBW design too. Perfect for our cold temps here in Indiana.

      • Author gravatar

        You’re welcome! And that you very much! I did use new tiny scissors but I think I need even finer ones. My folks live in Indiana! I went to high school and college there!

    • Author gravatar

      Oh so pretty! And that snowman is soooo cute!

    • Author gravatar

      Your hardanger finish is so beautiful and the snowman is really cute.

    • Author gravatar

      Hmmm, there’s something familiar about one of your small pieces this month!
      Hardanger is something I would never attempt so I admire your courage for getting out those scissors. It’s a gorgeous finish. 🙂

    • Author gravatar

      I would never have the patience to attempt hardanger but I surely appreciate the beauty of it. Yours is the perfect winter stitch as is that adorable snowman!

    • Author gravatar

      WOW your hardanger is beautiful! That is something that I am terrified of stitching but love admiring everyone else’s work. Love that cute snowman too! I don’t think I realized you lived in AZ. I do too; I am in Tucson, where are you if I may ask?

      Thanks for hosting this SAL!

      • Author gravatar

        Thanks! I am in Gilbert, (so yes, just 15 minutes or so from the Attic! Dangerous!) I would say the Hardanger looks much more complicated than it is. It is a step by step process so if you follow the directions, it’s not too bad. But cutting is HARROWING!

    • Author gravatar

      All linked up for the first time! Love your hardanger ornament, such pretty colours.
      The best advice I can give for cutting is to cut in the middle of the thread and then turn to the reverse of the fabric, bend the thread you want to cut back and snip as close as possible. By bending it, you can snip and the end will be buried in the woven blocks. It’s hard to describe in words!

      • Author gravatar

        I understand what you’re saying and I think it’s worth a try-I am doing another learning piece and I will try this method. It sounds like it will work! Thanks Jo!

    • Author gravatar

      Thank you for hosting! The hardanger is gorgeous and the snowman is so cute!

    • Author gravatar

      Don’t do hardanger; will never do hardanger. But yours is beautiful! Congratulations on trying something new and doing it successfully.

    • Author gravatar

      Thank you for doing this SAL. And I love your work. I have never tried hardanger.

    • Author gravatar

      I can’t give you any advice on Hardanger, but it looks beautiful! I’ll try it one of these days.
      Your snowman is precious, bring on more snow!

    • Author gravatar

      Thank you for hosting the Smalls SAL. Your hardanger is gorgeous. I usually have small end threads showing when I cut as well. I read that cutting from the back reduced the likelihood of this happening but it made no difference to my cutting.

    • Author gravatar

      Thank you for hosting the Smalls SAL! Good luck with your Hardanger! I’ve never tried Hardanger myself, maybe one day. I’m sure I have a pattern or two somewhere but I’ve never attempted it yet. Lovely pieces, and interesting to see two versions of this pretty snowman in this SAL!
      Barbara x

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