Birthday Stitching

My husband wanted to know what I wanted to do on my birthday this past weekend, and I bet you can guess what I said! I wanted some nice long uninterrupted stitching time!

I started on Autumn Quakers. My mom gave me the linen as part of my present. I have the first little corner motif done. This is my own conversion to various silks, stitching on 36 ct Doubloon which is the called for color. I *hope* my color choices look ok when it’s done. They won’t look quite as rich as the original I don’t think, but even though I’m sure they’ll be beautiful in general, I hope they do look good together for ME-not too bright, and suitably autumnal. We’ll see!

I worked a lot on Foxy. The “plunging” was tedious. It took all afternoon. I felt like I wasn’t getting anywherefor the hours spent. But I feel like the rest of the project should go quicker. I HOPE so! I want to put something else in this sit on frame for April!

I also worked on The Pink Sparrow. The first 2 pages are almost done. I really like it. The colors are great in this one. It is really a super sampler. I’m so glad I picked it! I’m so glad it was available to be picked!

So, Happy Birthday to me! In addition to my stitching time, I had some wonderful non-stitchy presents: A gorgeous cactus, a new bike (I haven’t had one in over 20 years! But with Coronavirus and kids raring to get out of the house, it really became a necessity!) And fresh squeezed orange juice for breakfast and chocolate chip cookies for a treat! (I love cake, but for my birthday we usually have cookies as we have one birthday a month in our family from November to March, with one more birthday coming in May, and by March we need a break from cake so we can enjoy our April Easter lamb cake and our May birthday cake.)

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