A new project

I put the last stitches in on “When This You See.” But not at the pool! I had just about 10 stitches left after my last pool session and couldn’t leave it like that for another day. So I finished it that night and now it’s done and added to my September finishing pile.

Because it is mid month I will plan on The Golden Grape being my small for August-I can get it done in time! I need to finish the satin stitch in the leaves, complete the chain stitch vine, and couch the golden grape. And of course do the back.

In case you’re wondering, I have been plugging along on my Joyful World border very responsibly as well these past 6 weeks, but it is really hard to photograph progress-I had to use panorama mode! Here is the top border coming along. Honestly, except for that continuous tan vine, it is a real slog with so many tiny bips of color here and there. But I’d really like this project OUT of my basket so I’ll keep at it! (heaven only know what I’m going to do with it-it’s so big and I don’t really see it framed! Maybe some kind of wall hanging but I don’t know how to make it look good…).

And so my justifications complete, here is my new start. Can you tell what it is?

Another Blackbird! It is called Strawberry Garden. I really love this design. I know many people do, but for me it’s really got many of my favorites-favorite colors, variety of stitches, not too prim, a bit of whimsy…

I kitted it up with my own silk conversion several months ago. I could stitch it in the cottons because I think I do have most of them, but my Rosewood Manor Autumn Quakers has been fun to do in silk, and this one will be too I think. I’ve been excited to start and just waiting for a project bag to be empty for it.

10 thoughts on “A new project

    • Author gravatar

      Fabulous work. I love the eyelets in the flowers in When This You See.
      Joyful World is lovely, another design I got as far as saving the charts! Maybe a wall hanging?
      The Strawberry Sampler looks lovely. Until I saw the Lazy Daisies – my bete noire! I’ll just admire your version.

      • Author gravatar

        Thanks Joanne!

        Yes…I’m thinking a wall hanging. This might be something I send to my talented mother, or maybe even a finisher to put on a fabric boarder and backing to hang on a rod like a display quilt. I don’t have a big enough wall except for in a child’s room so I’m guessing that will be its destiny! Don’t know what I was thinking putting them on one fabric but they sure are lovely to see altogether!

        I like lazy daisies so even though it slows down the stitching progress it’s ok for me. Very nice slow, meditative stitching. But not for at the pool!

    • Author gravatar

      All gorgeous stitches. Stitching the Strawberry Sampler with silks is going to be a joy.

    • Author gravatar

      As always such beautiful work. Your stitches are such great choices and you do beautiful work. Sorry I have not been here for awhile…I’ve been very sick but trying to catch up with everyone. Have a great week. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

      • Author gravatar

        Thanks RJ! I hope you’re all recovered from your illness now! I hope you are back to stitching now! I didn’t realize you’d been sick. Thanks for your comment!

    • Author gravatar

      Lovely projects. Your thread conversion for Strawberry Garden looks ideal.

      • Author gravatar

        Thanks! I think it will work out. I need to get a different black (used in the pot) because my blacks are all black-blue and this one needs to be warmer. But otherwise I think they are really good!

    • Author gravatar

      I love ‘When This You See’ a d it looks great on that fabric. It looks like your Joyful World border will be finished in no time.

    • Author gravatar

      A lovely finish, I love the fabric. Your grapes look good and nice start on your Strawberry Garden, pretty colours.
      The border for Joyful World is coming along nicely, tedious I’m sure but if that’s all you have left, get it done!

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