I’m linking up with Rachel over at Ten Hour Stitcher again this month for her “Fully Finished Object” gallery. This is just the kick in the pants I need every month to move projects from the “finished stitching” to the “fully finished” stage. It has been a great antidote to the drawer that inevitably ends up collecting those little stitched pieces for finishing Someday. Now Someday arrives around the 10th of every month as I rush to get something done for the SAL!
My first finish this month is Lady Scarlet’s Secret Garden. It is a teeny tiny needle book that goes into this enamel trinket box from Just Nan. Isn’t the wool flower darling?
The flower was super easy and quick to make. The needlebook, I will tell you, was tricky. I think there might have been a better, neater way to do it but I followed the instructions. If I was doing it again, I’d try another technique that would have less loose threads and rough edges to manage. But it’s fine, just overly fiddly. I didn’t end up finishing off the crewel rocking horse this month. I’d had enough fiddly finishing for the month after doing this!
Next I finally got around to buying the wool to finish off my La D Da Dragonfly pin cushion. It came out so so cute! Looks just like a giant ravioli! Just a simple little thing but sometimes that’s the kind of stitch you need!
I liked the design well enough but wasn’t super enthusiastic with the prospects of its finish when I done stitching. Now that’s done I just love it!
Finally, it became urgent to finish off the tooth fairy pillow for my little (almost 6 years old) son. Without even telling us it was loose, he pulled out his first tooth a couple weeks ago. Now he reports the 2nd loose one so I had to hustle on this to get it finished for him!
This is by Waxing Moon Designs with my own adjustments and finishing. I made the piping! It’s not perfect, but hey, it’s a kid’s tooth fairy pillow, the perfect project to try out something new! I have 1 more child (my 3 year old) who needs a tooth fairy pillow. I have a design and, I guess, about 2 years to stitch it!
And finally, I can take no credit for the presentation of this, but I wanted to share with you my Random Thoughts from The Drawn Thread which I had framed by the very talented Sandy of Attic Needlework. She mounted my hemstiched work on a piece of light blue gray silk. It is just perfect and I love how it came out. This is a finish I don’t think I could have quite managed myself-a little too special to risk messing it up! I have 2 more projects being framed which hopefully I can share with you at the December check in.
Mary, these are all beautiful finishes but I have to mention two in particular. It might have been fiddly but that little needlecase was worth it and your Random Thoughts project is terrific.
Fantastic work. I love the little Ladybird needlebook, such a sweet finish with the flower too.
I did smile a your ravioli finish! Not a description you often hear,
Of course the frame design looks stunning, your framer did a great job. Sometimes it is worth paying a professional!
Thank you Joanne!
Thanks for taking part with four very different items. I’m glad this SAL gives you that motivation you need to get something fully-finished each month. The ladybird trinket is so cute; it could make a novel tooth holder if your son didn’t want his pillow! 🙂
Oh he DID want his pillow! He hasn’t used it yet but he is working hard on that next tooth! Thank you again for hosting!
Beautiful finishes!! So delicate and wonderful.