Diligence! A Smalls Update

OR How Regular Stitching Has Paid Off This Month. The kids are back in school, so that means I return to my regular schedule and some time to stitch in the car waiting for the pick up. And with the routine back in place, I also end up with some time in the evenings too. Nothing is fully finished but the stitching is done, so that’s half the battle, right?

Here is my official small for Heather’s Smalls SAL. I finished the little Crossed Wing Collection Cardinal! In just a week!

I love it. I am so happy to have more of these to do. But my lingering question is, did I do it correctly? I wonder if my technique is ok-how can I get the stitches to lay more evenly? I can tell they are twisted here and there, and how where I put single colors in amongst stitches already present it doesn’t seem as neat as it should be. But then, I was staring at it through a magnifying glass and I imagine I’d probably be horrified if I looked at my other work that closely!  Well anyway, it sure is cute and was fun to see it come together.

Now I can’t say I enjoyed stitching it that much. It is a pain to use the magnifier. And it was not very easy, working so small-(here’s a bad picture with a DMC label for scale.) But these issues were entirely made up for by how FAST it was, due to its being all tent stitch and the fact that it is so tiny. And the gauze was actually, itself, quite easy to work with. And the silk was very nice too-not knotty at all. I’m amazed how the colors make such beautiful shading in such a little thing too. When I was first stitching them on, especially the lightest reds and greens I thought, “there is no way this is going to look like a normal-colored bird or leaf” but lo, it is just right. I am wondering about some little cute animal designs I like and how easily they would adapt to silk gauze. Hmm…

To finish, I think I will get a little pocket watch frame. I have seen these around at craft stores and have seen them used for finishing itsy-bitsy projects and they are darling. It should not be hard to find one to fit this project. But I do need to learn how you finish a gauze piece-maybe it is stretched and laced like normal?

This is not the only thing I have worked on!

Look, look! My Prairie Schooler Santa (2001) is about 1/2 done!

The other half, of course, is the interminable expanse of red coat. Ugh. This, I think, is my least favorite type of stitching, though it can easily be done when I need something to do that I don’t have to think about too much. So, a tedious job is useful to have sometimes. But for me, it is important to keep it mixed up with something more interesting.

Like the Victoria Sampler Biscournuments! I had another long blood test yesterday and was so glad of it actually, to have several hours to stitch away and finish the Poinsettia one. Isn’t it pretty? Now I await my order of DMC perle to make the tassels and assemble the biscournus.

I will say, this chart of the Biscournuments is an excellent buy. 5 gorgeous ornaments, and a lovely, impressive result for very little hassle and stitch time. Thank you, Victoria Sampler, for such a rewarding project! I will make them all!

4 thoughts on “Diligence! A Smalls Update

  1. Looks like returning to your regular schedule is great news for your stitching! You made great progress on your Santa and I love your cardinal!! Your biscornu is very pretty, love the different stitches in it.

  2. I love your biscornument, the beading and specialty stitches are beautiful. I also think your cardinal and wip are very pretty as well.

  3. Great work! Your cardinal is gorgeous! Only you and your magnifying glass can see anything that is not perfect! It is beautiful.

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