Testing, testing
I started adding color to the first band of Dorcas Haynes, part of trying out my own color scheme. I have spent a lot of time sorting and matching colors on this so I’m a bit nervous but also have a fair level of confidence…Here is how it’s looking.

Compare mine which is the middle one between two “Darlene O’Steen” examples for which I’m trying to replicate the colors.

My yellow is more butter-y but that is on purpose.
I also decided I couldn’t live with my mistake on the La D Da Flowers from Mary. It was no big deal to rip it out and restitch and I’m happy to not have to be reminded that whole border is off by a stitch. I can live with some things but borders need to be good.

I love stitching. I don’t know how I managed so long these last months without having good stitching sessions, except I was so dang busy and tired. I still am but at least now the busy and tired is the every day kind and not the extraordinary kind that comes with total life upheaval.
Idea: I am still considering chucking my plans for this year…doing the WIPGO etc., and focusing on Dorcas. I mapped out the bands. If I do a section each month, I *could* finish this on Christmas. Dorcas Haynes is also called The Christmas Sampler because it was finished on December 25, 1720. Could I do it? With all the specialty stitches? Hmmm… think think think.