September Fully Finished Gallery

Many thanks again to Rachel for hosting the Fully Finished Gallery! I had a lot to finish this month! First is Foxy. Look at the beautiful vintage frame I got on eBay! Finding a good round frame was a challenge. Sandy, who is the framer at the Attic said if you ever see a good, reasonably priced round frame, snap […]


Foxy is finished!! Hooray! I put off that tail for months because I knew it would be hard and it was! But I persevered! I had to redo it several times and thank goodness designer Becky Hogg gave plenty of materials. I wasn’t even close to running out. I must say I am quite pleased with myself and how it […]

WIPS again

I’ve had so much trouble with this post that I’ve just scrapped it and rewritten it. Ugh. Anyway, here’s what I have been up to this past week: The Pink Sparrow (I can see a finish very soon! Maybe this week!) Foxy (Just look at that sparkly white tail! That was the most fun part of this project as I […]

Progress on the WIPs

I just love working on The Pink Sparrow and I made good progress last week! I guess I’m avoiding the border a little bit. But if that’s all that’s left at the end it should go pretty fast! I have some of the cutwork done on Foxy. Cutwork is when you cut the little spiral tubes to size and sew […]


It’s been a crazy, but peaceful, time. We had spring break the 2nd week of March, and then like many schools, were told not to come back to school for one, then two, four weeks, and now the school year will be completed at home. One by one all our activities were cancelled. I have to say, I actually don’t […]

Birthday Stitching

My husband wanted to know what I wanted to do on my birthday this past weekend, and I bet you can guess what I said! I wanted some nice long uninterrupted stitching time! I started on Autumn Quakers. My mom gave me the linen as part of my present. I have the first little corner motif done. This is my […]

March Gifted Gorgeousness

It is my birthday later this month, so it truly would be a shame for me to not include a Gifted Gorgeousness post this month! I realize I never shared with you some very nice presents my husband gave me for Christmas! You may realize by now that I aspire to Adventurous Stitching. Now my eyes may be bigger than […]