Friday Finishing (My June Small)

I’ve developed a bad habit of not finishing my works. I know I’m not the only one with this problem but for me it’s starting to seem unjust to all the time I’ve spent stitching! And I had an impetus this month-I finished stitching Lounging Hare from the class I took with Sherri Jones in 2016! And so I really […]

2017 Summary Part 1: Finishes!

Happy New Year!!! I feel like I should really take stock of my finishes for 2017 in one post to get a sense of what I really got done. I finished many smalls and many ornaments, thanks mostly to the smalls/ornaments SALs I’ve participated in! Here are my pin cushions: The two on the top left were stitched in 2016 […]

When all else fails…

Follow the directions! I wasted a huge amount of time yesterday trying to improve a process that would have worked great if I had just trusted it a bit more from the beginning. I prefer to sew things up with the machine because I feel like it is so much neater and more secure. But man, is that pom pom […]

Pretty little things

I have 2 things to show you for the Smalls SAL this month! My thread came in so I finished up Tiny Nativity:  Then…I made the Big Mistake I knew well to avoid. However I have not make this mistake before so I thought I could get away with it. I sprayed it a smidgen to iron and the colors […]

May progress

Today I finished up the Just Nan grow! pin cushion for the facebook smalls spring challenge. Here it is!  The finishing was harder than the tin actually! I was concerned about being able to sew it in a circle without it being lumpy. That part actually went fine. But when I turned it, I didn’t leave a big enough opening […]

More Summer Finishes

Continuing from yesterday here are a few more things finished up this summer: I made this for our 15th wedding anniversary. It was quick but had a trick for me-there are 2 different red beads used-very similar-and I ran out of one kind about ¾ of the way through so I had to hunt around to find a good match. […]