Dorcas Haynes
I mentioned last month that I have some things I’m excited about as I return to normal life and regular stitching…one of those is Dorcas Haynes.

I gave her a start in 2021, but didn’t care for the colors in the Scarlet Letter version which is the only one available to me. I did some sleuthing, and with some luck and generous fellow stitchers, I did get a list of the colors used for Dorcas in the Darlene O’Steen version of this sampler.

There are 20 colors in the Scarlet Letter version and 33 in Darlene’s version, and there is really no practical opportunity to get Darlene’s chart (which was a limited class and it will never be released) so I cannot learn what the color placement it, much less the extra specialty stitches used in it. I will have to determine these elements for myself. It’s been too overwhelming to think of it and plan. I haven’t had the giddyup to fuss with it. But…this year we did have a visitor to the shop bring in her completed Dorcas, which was a complete inspiration. She had made the colors up herself, I believe from studying the antique!…it was beautiful. I don’t have a chance to visit the antique in the Fitzwilliam Museum, but I have the list of colors used and I lot of photos online that I’ve collected. I’ve decided to Just Start and take one band at a time.

Well, the first band is cross stitch in a medium green. That’s not a difficult decision to make. I did it this week.
The next band is also cross stitch, with several colors, but it’s a nice regular pattern. I started it.
I am toying with the idea of chucking all my other plans this year and seeing what I can do with Dorcas. If I finished her within the year I think I’d feel pretty accomplished.
Hello Mary, would you be willing to share the colors for the Dorcas sampler for Darlene O’Steen’s version. I have the chart and would like to start this sampler but I just love the colors that Darlene used. Thank you so much.
Yes, I feel the same way! Let me see if I can email you.
Hi Victoria, are you able to email me or PM me through Instagram or Facebook? Search for me called Mary Thread.
I sent you a request to follow you on instagram.
I sent a request to follow on Instagram (Cavalierlvr) as I too want to do Dorcas with Darlene’s colors. I just found this searching for answers?
Hi Barbara, I will PM you on IG. Are you on Facebook? There is a lot of helpful info on Dorcas in the Dorcas Jaynes 2017 SAL group!
Mary, would you be able to send me the thread list. I’ve had the chart/linen dog sound years. I like the way you set the target, I may if it is fine with you do the same.
Hi Judith, if you are able to PM me on Facebook or Instagram I’d be happy to chat about the threads! But my next post I’m going to be sharing some of the struggles of colors with this!! So be sure to watch for that too!
Hi, Mary. Together with a small group of UK stitching friends we have decided to do Dorcas Haynes as a SAL, but we are also struggling to like some of the colours called for in The Scarlet Letter chart. I’d also love to know the alternatives you used.
Hi Teresa I sent you a message on Instagram! Let’s connect over there!
Thank you, I’ve sent a message.