
I have been working on the Grapes band of Dorcas Haynes. At my present rate of stitching, it looks like I will finish the outline of the grapevine this week! I should have the satin stitch and herringbone fillings well started by the end of April. Yay! I don’t think I’ve mentioned what I’m stitching on or with. I am […]

Band 2 Finished. A Possible Plan

I am very happy with the colors. Here is band 2. It was a very straightforward stitch. Now to start band 3. That will have more challenges! I have continued to think about focusing on Dorcas this year. If I wanted to finish on December 25, I think I’d have to divide it up something like this… The plan would […]

Testing, testing

I started adding color to the first band of Dorcas Haynes, part of trying out my own color scheme. I have spent a lot of time sorting and matching colors on this so I’m a bit nervous but also have a fair level of confidence…Here is how it’s looking. Compare mine which is the middle one between two “Darlene O’Steen” […]

Dorcas Haynes

I mentioned last month that I have some things I’m excited about as I return to normal life and regular stitching…one of those is Dorcas Haynes. I gave her a start in 2021, but didn’t care for the colors in the Scarlet Letter version which is the only one available to me. I did some sleuthing, and with some luck […]

Happy Easter! March Smalls Link Up! and More!

He is Risen! I finished my little project for the Easter Blog Hop and since I’m still in the time frame for the Smalls SAL link up, I’ll join that too. It is now hosted by Rachel, the Ten Hour Stitcher and you can see the link post here: Smalls SAL Link Up March 2024 And here is my contribution, […]

Everything New

Nashville Market is an inspiring time of year at a needlework shop. Seeing so many new things just makes you want to buy it all and stitch it all and all at once! Not having some much stitching lately and having my stuff packed up makes me especially vulnerable to this sort of market fever! So…I have a couple new […]

Starting over

I am still here, on this earth, doing mostly the same stuff I was doing when I abandoned my blog for critical home projects a few months ago. We have had a time of it. We had a broken pipe-caused flood in mid November. We moved out of our house the week before Christmas so the reconstruction work could begin. […]

WIP Dump

In an effort to catch up and get going again, I just want to share with you all some of the stitching that has actually happened around here in spite of the lack of blogging about it… I don’t really remember when these little things got started or finished or worked on or whatever so it’s just going to be […]

New Stitches, Old Stitches

The end of September and this first bit of October I have been stitching in a random starting and stopping sort of way. I haven’t done a Mill Hill kit in a while so I picked up this nice Fall themed one called Apple Basket, aiming to have a cute Mill Hill ornament for my October Small: Eventually I’d like […]