Belated Blog Anniversary!

Oh dear … I checked my last published post and see it’s been over a month since an update! Yikes! I think I had planned a post for the end of September that was never published but now I can’t find it. I probably wrote it in my head! It was related to it having been my 8 year blogging […]


Life has gotten bogged down lately…mostly ok stuff, just too much going on! I didn’t meet my stitching goals for August. But I was out of town 3 weekends and there has been a lot of busy-ness at home! I told you I’d share the little bird pinwheel from Fox and Rabbit that I had started at summer school. It […]

A Small for August 2024

For my August small I finished the funky birdy from Moments of Glad Grace by Blackbird Designs. This past weekend we were camping and I finished it up in the beautiful cool air on top of Mt. Lemmon. “We” includes me and my 5 children ages 6-16, a friend and her family with husband and 4 children ages 1-14, and […]

Bees and Funky Birds

I finished the Botanical Bee from Hands On Design! What a cheerful project, but there is a lot of stitching in it! I have it prepped for finishing. I am deciding on these 2 fabrics to back it as a circle ornament. I am leaning to the blue stripes as more elegant but I’m shopping around for opinions. Here is […]

Grapes and Squirrels

We spent all of Saturday cleaning and reorganizing our garage before it gets too hot. Our garage was full of debris and disorder from the remodel and we couldn’t get the car in it. My husband’s nice car shouldn’t be out in the sun all summer because it will ruin the paint. Mine is already old and ruined so we […]

Happy Easter! March Smalls Link Up! and More!

He is Risen! I finished my little project for the Easter Blog Hop and since I’m still in the time frame for the Smalls SAL link up, I’ll join that too. It is now hosted by Rachel, the Ten Hour Stitcher and you can see the link post here: Smalls SAL Link Up March 2024 And here is my contribution, […]

Everything New

Nashville Market is an inspiring time of year at a needlework shop. Seeing so many new things just makes you want to buy it all and stitch it all and all at once! Not having some much stitching lately and having my stuff packed up makes me especially vulnerable to this sort of market fever! So…I have a couple new […]

WIP Dump

In an effort to catch up and get going again, I just want to share with you all some of the stitching that has actually happened around here in spite of the lack of blogging about it… I don’t really remember when these little things got started or finished or worked on or whatever so it’s just going to be […]

September 2023 Smalls Check In

My Small for this month is a little Blackbird Designs project which I was lucky enough to spot in a destash group. It is an old class project that makes a little scissor box and pin cushion. Here is the stitching: The fabric is 28 count which seems very coarse compared to my other recent stitching. But it was very […]

August 2023 Smalls Link Up

Hello Smalls Stitchers! I finished a 2nd little berry in the Deck The Halls booklet from Blackbird Designs. It is called Sugarplums I think. I love the colors. So soft! The linen is Opal from Picture this Plus. I really like it for this project. Now that I’ve stitched 2 of the berries, I will make them up. I had […]