Sampler September 2022

I have TOO MANY samplers I want to work on this month! I must pare it way down if I hope to make any progress!!! Fortunately I also have some good stitching time available, I hope, so I will get a chance to work on what I do pick. Here’s my preview… Bathya. I hoped …

Sampler of Stitches DEF. Jane Plenderleath

I finished the 4th section of The Drawn Thread’s Sampler of Stitches DEF. It is nice to get something done. I think this one took me longer because on several stitches I redid them in different colors after they were already stitched. Also for some reason I made a lot of mistakes that had to …

A House for Jane Amid Lots of Vacation Pictures

I’ve been on a trip the past couple weeks to visit my family in Indiana. We did some camping (at a campground aptly named Raccoon Lake) We enjoyed some more lake days at a resort for my parents’ anniversary (they loved their present) And we enjoyed some of the other special things in the area… …

The First Thread: a trio of “Naughty November” starts.

Can it be the 3rd Monday or November already? It is! In the USA it is Thanksgiving this Thursday. After Thanksgiving I spend the rest of the year attempting to apply the brakes as we rush towards Christmas, hoping to maintain a sense of peace and calm through Advent. But with the kids’ excitement, and …