March 2022 FFOs

Many thanks again to Rachel for giving me a reason to FFO some pieces this month and share them with you! I finished up the Sugar Plum Fairy from Satsuma Street. The designer sent me a whole new bead packet and guess what? It’s a good thing I asked her about this because the packet that came in my kit […]

People’s Choice: Spring

For March, the People have chosen Spring as the theme of the blog hop. I have a few springy stitches to share. Here is one I made last year which you might remember, Jeannette Douglas’ Jump Into Spring: This piece also from last year also seems springy to me, it is called Pensee Sauvage from Samplers Not Forgotten. In Arizona […]

February 2021 FFO Gallery

Barely sneaking in at the end of the link up, I have some trimmed up hearts for my FFO’s this month. Thank you Rachel for hosting us! First is Token of Love from Samplers Not Forgotten: Instead of ruching the ribbon and then sewing it on, this time I ruched as I went. Boy that was a lot faster and […]

Queen of Hearts

(I have edited this with some additional tips for success when making hearts-best wishes if you use these directions to make a heart!) I’m the Queen of Hearts this weekend, making up all my heart shaped stitches for February. I dug through my finishes to come up with 6 hearts that wanted finishing, and since I find hearts to be […]

January 2021 Smalls Check In

Welcome to the first installment of the 2021 Smalls Blog Hop! For all you smalls stitchers out there, it is a chance to link up to share any little thing you’ve completed this month! If you have never participated before, why not join us this year (you can actually join in at any time and just participate in the months […]

At My Own Pace

I’ve been working on my various projects these past 2 weeks, just going along at my own pace. I haven’t felt like I’ve made a lot of progress so I haven’t been posting. But it’s been a while so I thought I should share anyway. Here’s where everything stands: My small for this month will be Token of Love from […]

Last start of 2020, first start of 2021

On December 31st I made one very last new start for 2020. This is Token of Love by Samplers Not Forgotten. I fell in love with this Nashville kit and had to have it. I was planning to start it all year and never got to it. Well look! After all I did start it in 2020! I think I […]

October FFO Gallery

We were on fall break this past week* so I didn’t have a lot of time to finish things up, so I tried to get most of it done before we left. I also didn’t have too much recently stitched to FFO anyway. I made the Pensee Sauvage by Samplers Not Forgotten into a pillow per the kit instructions. Oh […]

A little finish, and a big WIP

This weekend I finished stitching Pensee Sauvage from Samplers Not Forgotten. What a sweetie! This was a kit, and it will be finished as a pillow, though I think it would be really cute in a frame too. I do like the fabric included for finishing. I have been working away nearly every night on Bathya from Hands Across the […]


I finished the Pansy on Pensee Sauvage today (it is my pool stitching at the moment). Just the border is left to do…2 or 3 sessions I figure depending on how long the kids swim. I am stitching with 2 ply instead of one and know I am going to run out of the Weeks Lilac (light purple.) I have […]