A Tooth Fairy Pillow

Here is the finished stitching for Natalie’s tooth fairy pillow: And here it is getting made into the pillow! And here are 3 of the 4 the tooth fairy pillows that I have made. (My oldest son never got one. He had a little treasure box that he liked to use.) (The first one I made was put away as […]

The People Choose

Fancy Finishes! Every month Jo hosts us over at Serendipitous Stitching for a themed blog hop. And Fancy Finishes, the theme for December, is right up my alley! If you’ve read my blog for any length of time you know I do like to try my hand at some fancy finishing. Especially this year I challenged myself to do some […]

The People Choose…

Modern Samplers! For those just joining in, Let the People Choose is a Blog Hop organized by Jo of Serendipitous Stitching. Each month “The People” suggest a blog post theme, and we all do our best to show and tell for the theme. This month is one of my favorite themes so far, the Modern Sampler! There are some super […]

The People Choose…Bees

Jo at Serendipitous Stitching hosts a monthly themed blog hop, as you may know by now! It is a nice way to showcase designs by theme and always interesting for me to discover what I’ve stitched that fits! This month’s theme is bees. I have always liked bees. One day I think it would be interesting to have bees myself, […]

Gifted Gorgeousness: June 2019

I’m linking up with Jo for her Gifted Gorgeousness SAL, where, if any part of your project has to do with being a gift or being made from a gift, you can join! I shared this on my instagram a little white ago, but here is the finish of the Sweetheart Tree Tooth Fairy Pillow I made for my 7 […]

An Update for You

I’ve been doing a lot of stitching here and there, but not really finishing anything. I keep thinking and hoping I’ll finish something so I can join in an SAL or have something of consequence to post but alas. It is the end of the school year. We are busy. I haven’t had time to finish things, much less post […]

Responsible Obligation Stitching

My 6 year old will very soon be a 7 year old. She has yet to lose a baby tooth (yes, that’s late but she didn’t get her first tooth until she was 13 mos!) but some are starting to be wiggly so I needed to start her tooth fairy pillow so it can be a birthday present for her. […]

2017 Summary Part 1: Finishes!

Happy New Year!!! I feel like I should really take stock of my finishes for 2017 in one post to get a sense of what I really got done. I finished many smalls and many ornaments, thanks mostly to the smalls/ornaments SALs I’ve participated in! Here are my pin cushions: The two on the top left were stitched in 2016 […]

More Small(s) Triumphs!

I finished my June Smalls SAL: isn’t she a sweetie? I love it so much I bought the companion pieces which are a Santa and a bell. I FFO’d my June Noel ornament for the ornies blog: This is such a versatile design I will definitely make it again. So next time hopefully the finishing won’t be such a mess!! […]

Itty Bitty Small for May

The last Friday in May this year really snuck up, being on the 26th this month! Good thing I picked such a teeny tiny small! 🙂 So…here it is for my contribution to the Smalls SAL hosted over at Stitching Lotus (thanks, Heather!).  I Love Strawberries by The Sweetheart Tree It really is small at 2.5″ by 1.75.” Now, I […]