About the Stitcher

My name is Mary. I have lived in Arizona for 20 years with my husband and 5 children ages 7-17. My Grandma M. taught me to cross stitch when I was little and I’ve had a project (or many!) going since then. I am mostly a cross stitcher who regularly makes forays into other types of embroidery. I started this blog in 2016 to chronicle my stitching life. A lifetime ago I studied French and art history but now I fit my stitching around a busy life raising the kids and working at my LNS, Attic Needlework. In addition to stitching, I love to read (take a look at my book list to see what I’ve been reading lately), garden, and cook and bake for my family, including fun birthday cakes. You can find me on Instagram at marysthread, and also on Facebook as Mary Thread. Both accounts are exclusively for stitching and sometimes my other hobbies.

If you examine my little “icon” up on your tab, you will see a tiny image of Our Lady, Undoer of Knots. She is my patroness for both the trivial knots in my stitching and the more serious knots in my life. My blog was founded on her feast day, September 28.

Thank you for spending some time at my blog!