Happy New Year! A 2021 Summary

In 2021 I had 28 finishes. It is much less than the number of finishes as 2020 (42 I think?) but most of them were a good deal more complex. And several of them were off my “bucket list,” projects I deemed to be high priorities in my stitching career. I also had a good number of starts which I […]

The People Choose

Fancy Finishes! Every month Jo hosts us over at Serendipitous Stitching for a themed blog hop. And Fancy Finishes, the theme for December, is right up my alley! If you’ve read my blog for any length of time you know I do like to try my hand at some fancy finishing. Especially this year I challenged myself to do some […]

Fully Finished Gallery August 2021

I’m linking up with Rachel for the Fully Finished Gallery this month to share with you the Italian Peacocks Purse by Giulia Punti Antichi! I just love how it turned out. The peacock purse frame was the way to go. I think it goes really well. I have not been able to find a chain for the frame yet. If […]

May Wrap Up and More New Things

It was a good month. I stitched a lot, but of course I never stitch as much as I want to! I must be happy with the time I have and what I got done in it, and that’s what this post is about. I already shared with you my 2 finishes and FFO, the Italian Peacocks Purse and Strawberry […]

May 2021 Smalls Blog Hop

I have the teeniest, tiniest smallest small to show you. I stitched my initials for the back side of the peacock purse. It had to be done, so I made it my small. And I’m not sure this counts because it is not actually a finished project, but I did finish the satin stitching on the last wing of the […]

Best Laid Plans

I wanted to finish my Italian Peacocks Purse last week. Normally I should have been able to do that! But, “Ha ha ha,” said Life. And I should have known better anyway! We had a birthday in our family. On Wednesday night I was putting up decorations. On Friday night I was making the cake. Here is the cake. The […]

More work on the same things

I’ve spent some time on each of the same 3 projects I showed you last time. Here’s how they are coming: The Italian Peacocks purse is going along pretty quickly. I’m thinking it should be done in May. The Bargello Roll is going along pretty slowly. I’m thinking maybe there is a slight possibility I might finish it this year. […]

Work on several things

I have progress to show you! First, the Peacocks Purse, which I took to the DMV to work on while I waited to get my new driver’s license: I had about 40 minutes of waiting. I also stitched on it a little in some other random moments and during swimming. It’s quite nice to work on. I really enjoy this […]

Simply Irresistible

My 2 latest starts are irresistible. Plus, the kids have gone back to swimming so I need a pool project to work on while I watch them. Both of these are easy enough to fit the bill. Here is the Bargello Needle Roll. I have the outline pattern memorized. It’s quite easy to do now. Even though this is solidly […]

Couldn’t resist

I put the first stitches in the Italian Peacocks Purse. This will go quickly if I work on it diligently, But I’m not going to. I want to make progress on my hard projects and that will never happen if I keep doing the easy ones! I couldn’t resist making a start on another Bucket List project which I thought […]