Fully Finished Objects April 2024

I have FFOs for you! Autumn Splendor from With They Needle and Thread. I’m so happy I was able to finish it just like the model. I loved the model so much! The Botanical Bee from Hands on Design. I went with the yellow bee fabric. For one thing, this choice won the widest support from everyone who saw it […]

2023 Advent Blog Hop

Only 4 days until Christmas friends, how can that be? If you are seeing this post with no or not very many pictures, you know things have been too crazy at my house to manage it, but hopefully that will not be the case! We are in the midst of our post-flood remodel and so in a calm moment before […]

Autumn Splendor

I have a finish! It’s Autumn Splendor by With Thy Needle and Thread. This design was another coup de coeur for me, I had to buy it and stitch it right away, and I loved every moment. I believe I actually used a 32 count natural linen which was a very easy thing to stitch on and it was just […]

New Stitches, Old Stitches

The end of September and this first bit of October I have been stitching in a random starting and stopping sort of way. I haven’t done a Mill Hill kit in a while so I picked up this nice Fall themed one called Apple Basket, aiming to have a cute Mill Hill ornament for my October Small: Eventually I’d like […]

A Detour. Oops.

Did you know there was an end of summer flood of new releases as part of an online event called Needlework Marketplace? It was just as full of wonderful designs as Nashville. There were 2 must-have charts for me. Well…probably more than 2 but 2 I bought the minute they came into the shop. First was Autumn Splendor by With […]

Jane Plenderleath!

I didn’t do anything else this morning until I had finished Jane Plenderleath! I was so close I just had to. It was one more hour of stitching and Ta Dah! As I got to the end I went back and picked out several sets of letters to change them to my family initials. If you look you will see […]

The People Choose

Fancy Finishes! Every month Jo hosts us over at Serendipitous Stitching for a themed blog hop. And Fancy Finishes, the theme for December, is right up my alley! If you’ve read my blog for any length of time you know I do like to try my hand at some fancy finishing. Especially this year I challenged myself to do some […]

Full Finishes Part Two: Smalls!

Continuing the banner month of FFO’s for Rachel’s FFO Gallery here are the Smalls I finished up this month. I bought a little Sudberry House pin cushion for Jeannette Douglas’ Fall Posey. I went with a twisted cord instead of the suggested chenille trim. I just couldn’t find a color I loved with it and pom poms were too “fun” […]

September Smalls Check In

How can it be the end of September already?! How are we 3/4 of the way through 2021? I heard a theory about the perceived passages of time. The older you get the faster time seems to go because each moment is a smaller fraction of your overall lifespan than it was when you were younger. That is why summer, […]

Christmas Plans!

Friends, it is still over 100 degrees most days here in Arizona. I believe it was 106 today. Before Christmas, my family has a whole softball season to get through, a fall break trip, Halloween (that means I need to make/invent 5 costumes-we will actually get to trick or treat this year!) and Thanksgiving. I also hope to squeeze in […]