Advent Blog Hop 2021

Welcome! It is the Serendipitous Stitching 2021 Advent Blog Hop! The theme this year is Christmas Trees! I was so happy to see that because I just love Christmas trees. My parents lived in Germany before I was born (actually I was born in Heidelberg and spent my first year there too) and collected many beautiful wood and glass and […]

The People Choose…Bees

Jo at Serendipitous Stitching hosts a monthly themed blog hop, as you may know by now! It is a nice way to showcase designs by theme and always interesting for me to discover what I’ve stitched that fits! This month’s theme is bees. I have always liked bees. One day I think it would be interesting to have bees myself, […]

A Pause for Finishing

I took a bit of a break from stitching this week to finish some things for Rachel’s Fully Finished Object Gallery. Finishing is always more fiddly and time consuming than I plan, so I did not have anything ready to show on the 10th, but I’m only a few days late so I still think I did pretty well this […]

Candy Cane Twist! A Peacock-Colored Initial!

I finished Little House Needleworks’ Candy Cane Twist! This was a small quick project but so good to get it done because it has been in my “Do This Year” binder for 2 years! I am off to Jo Ann’s this week to see if their selection of Christmas fabrics is in yet. I would like to FFO it right […]

The First Week of August

We’ve been extraordinarily busy this week with back to school, kids’ activities, and a major construction project-having a basketball court put in our large and neglected side yard. That project was more complicated than you might think as it involved rerouting irrigation and electrical lines, building a wall and seating/planter box and moving tons of gravel. Well, it’s about done […]

June Smalls Check In

It’s that time again! Happy last Friday of the month! I just have a quick post for you today…I spent one night this week finishing up Angels by Little House Needleworks. This one is so cute! It had been my swimming lesson project last year and when swimming lessons were finished I put it away out of my bag and […]

June’s Fully Finished Objects

At last! I have my Finishes ready to show you! I am linking up with Rachel of Ten Hour Stitcher whose SAL helps motivate us towards fully finished objects. You know I’ve been getting a lot of stitching in even though it’s summer break for the kids right now, but finishing is another matter since I don’t seem to have […]

2 Little Finishes

I got them done! Here is Stitching Bee from Little House Needleworks! It will be finished as a little pillow with the materials included in the kit. And here is Peacock Pin Pillow from Beehive Needleworks. I think I will got ahead and turn this into a pillow too. I better get finishing!

June Goals

I have several small projects going this month, I’m aiming to get a couple of them finished if not all. Here’s where they all are: Blackbird Design Wild Garden: Plum Street Sampler’s Birthday Tart: Beehive Needleworks Peacock Pin Pillow: What do you think of the “perfect blue?” This is Evening in Paris by Dinky Dyes. It is as bright as […]