May 2020 Smalls Check In

Welcome to the May 2020 Smalls Check In! I hope everyone got some good stitching in this month! How are things going in your corners of the world? We are not quite emerged from our isolation…mainly due to personal comfort. We are a bunch of homebodies around here! Maybe next month we will go out!

Here is my small for May, A Stitch in Time by With Thy Needle and Thread. It is stitched on Weeks “Gun Metal” with the called for threads, except the blue which was too close to the fabric color so I subbed a lighter blue on the birds. This will be finished as a pin ball. I have not made one before but the instructions look pretty clear!

Here is what I learned. I do not universally dislike stitching on dark colors. This dark linen was relatively easy to stitch on! My problems with the other dark linen I have for another project must not just be because it’s dark. This is a little BBD chart stitched on Lupine from PTP:

I think the trouble is the count (the Lupine is 36 and the Gun Metal is 32) and the mottling. I’ll try my glasses and super bright light on the Lupine and see if it goes better. Maybe it can be my small for June.

What have you stitched, and learned, this month? Link up to share below!

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