July Smalls Check-In-I almost made it!

I didn’t really stitch on smalls this month, more like mediums, and I *almost* finished them. The first is not finished because yes indeed, I did run out of light pink silk. Here she is…just a couple dozen stitches shy of completion…Jane Marshall 1857 from Hands Across the Sea:

Don’t you just love those 2 floral bands? They are stunning. I am headed to my shopping appointment (sounds so fancy!) at The Attic today and will get that pink silk and finish it tonight, and have an updated picture for you on Saturday. If you are an early birdie, you will only see this one, unfinished picture. Come back tomorrow if you want to see her ironed and finished! đŸ™‚

(It’s Saturday—Here she is all finished!!)

Next, I worked so hard on my Silk and Satin Reticule project from Betsy Morgan (Willing Hands). All the stitching and beading is done except for the monogram in that lower triangle, which is the flap of the envelope. I am sorry, but I just could stitch that this week. I chose a monogram but it didn’t fit well. I didn’t want to make a rush job of it. So I will work it out on paper this weekend and try to get it on there right away so I can do the FFO in August. I added the motto on the top “When the World Stood Still” which I saw some ladies adding to their “stay home order” stitch projects this spring. I started this in April I think so it fit the bill for a remembrance of this time, and for posterity to consider what an odd year this was. I also added the bargello heart in place of the charted cross stitch heart and date, which I felt was too plain for the elegance of the rest of this design. I’m super pleased with how it came out!

So like I said, it will be finished into a pocket/envelope. It sort of folds up into thirds and is stitched together along the pre-finished edges. I have the most beautiful silk which my husband brought back from a business trip to Thailand to line it. I can’t wait to finish it and show you. I am so excited about this project! This is priority #1 for my August FFO check in!

Let’s see your stitching! Hopefully you had a productive month with a proud moment in it too!

12 thoughts on “July Smalls Check-In-I almost made it!

    • Author gravatar

      Beautiful embroidery Mary, I especially like the floral bands on the first sampler so striking and the pretty bargello heart and speciality stitches on the second project – which I must find out more about as it is the type of embroidery I love to do,.

    • Author gravatar

      Lovely work on both pieces Mary, isn’t it annoying to run out so close to the finish.

    • Author gravatar

      The Betsy Morgan piece is gorgeous!! The colors and your exquisite stitching makes this piece special. I can’t wait to see the fabric and finish. I bet you come home with more than silk today!

    • Author gravatar

      Of course I love all the pink! So disappointing to run out so very close.

    • Author gravatar

      You were so close on your sampler!
      The wallet is beautiful, I love the Bargello Heart and the perfect phrase for the year too. Looking forward to seeing it made up for the 10th.

    • Author gravatar

      The Jane Marshall piece is gorgeous and I love how colorful the Hands Across the Sea is. Hope you had a great time at your shopping appointment. One day I must get to The Attic.

    • Author gravatar

      They are both gorgeous projects. I look forward to seeing the FFO of your Betsy Morgan project.

    • Author gravatar

      Your stitching is simply lovely Mary. Such beautiful work! So glad to be back visiting with you again. I’ve been very sick the past five months and I missed all of my stitching friends so much. Have a great week. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

    • Author gravatar

      Thanks for hosting. Your designs are really pretty and the colours for each one perfect. đŸ™‚

    • Author gravatar

      Both are such gorgeous pieces and the colours are so pretty!

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