January Stitching

This month so far, and aside from my little finishes, I’ve been trying to move along on The Drawn Thread’s Sampler of Stitches. My goal is to finish it by my birthday March 28, and ideally by spring break which starts March 10 so I can dive into a new Big Start to work on this year. I know I can do it but not if I don’t keep at it!

I’ve very nearly finished VWX. The specialty stitches are always so fun to learn and work…well some more than others maybe!

I made a new start which will be my small for this month, the Philanthropic Pumpkin from Hands On Design. A friend is lending me the chart and I have to get it back to her! It feels a little unseasonal to be stitching pumpkins in January but there it is. It is going along pretty quickly thanks to baseball tournaments which afford nice long stitching sessions.

I’ve been planning new things for the year too. I have an adorable stitch for the Secret Stitching Sweetheart blog hop! I also have kitted a couple of what I’m calling my Attic Squirrels…designs I see at work and can’t live without. It is a hazard of working in a shop I guess, and while I’ve been pretty “good” about resisting overall, one’s powers do wear down eventually when one is surround by temptations! The main trouble is what to start first???

Two squirrels…there are a half dozen more but these are 100% kitted and ready to go…

2 thoughts on “January Stitching

    • Author gravatar

      Beautiful stitches!

    • Author gravatar

      The Drawn Thread sampler is gorgeous, so many interesting stitches and beautiful colours.
      I can’t imagine working in a needlework shop, it’s hard enough in a bookshop being surrounded by temptation!
      I’m thinking of stitching some small/medium sized pieces next year, I love the idea of calling them squirrels because they distract from the BAPs!

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