Progress on Dorcas

Here is my progress on Dorcas. Nothing new figured out at this point, just continuing the work! I have the outline of the top acorn band complete. And, a bigger triumph, I got the Montenegrin stitched outline of the floral arcade finished this morning. Those curlicues were really difficult to figure out. They are not perfect by any means. The last 2 are the best and I have to admit some of the others are quite frankly totally made up. But the overall effect is good so that’s all I care about at this point. Can you tell which are the best 2 that I did last? No, I bet you can’t.

So what is next? Filling in! Some very straightforward satin stitch (the carnations) The vine is filled I think with 2 rows of closed herringbone (so that will be fun!) And the large flowers are…Parisian stitch? And French knots for the centers. THOSE will take some thought. I am doubting a bit if I can get all the filling stitches done this month. There’s still a lot of work ahead of me.

I had hoped to get the next row of acorns put in too but that may need to wait for August. How can it be almost August??
It’s beautiful, so many intricate designs.