Happy New Year 2025!
This first week of the new year has seen some good stitching! While I don’t have my WIPGO board ready yet, I do know some of the things I will be working on this month and so I got started. I have to admit to massaging my board a little bit to suit my plans for January! I guess that’s cheating but then again I understand that there are no rules for WIPGO!
One of my January goals is to finish the Checkerboard Stag sampler from Samplers Remembered.

I would have to look up and see when I started this. I can tell you why was is set aside and that is because the satin stitch flowers on the sides of the deer are difficult to read in the chart for me. I decided to just cut out what I had done and start over again, after revising the chart by hand so I can read it a bit better. I also spent a night finishing up the right hand side deer and that felt like really good progress because back stitching is not my favorite! However, I do love stitching with the Gumnut silk, and that sweetened the deal a bit.
Next up in my “must stitch in January pile” is a tooth fairy pillow for my youngest. She has already lost four teeth and has informed me that she has many many more wiggly teeth! And I had better make her a tooth fairy pillow STAT!

Here it is so far… I will finish the stitching this weekend. I’ve ordered the star for the wand. She picked out all the threads. She wanted the whole thing to be purple. This is quite fun to do with her! She picked out a lot of really fun flosses. She’s very encouraging to me and keeps saying, “Oh I love it! It’s so cute Mommy! You’re doing a great job!”
My last WIP assignment for January is to finish the eyelet verse band on Dorcas. Once I have the tooth fairy pillow finished, I will switch between Dorcas and the stags every other night. Satin stitched flowers and over two eyelets will be my month! I maybe better pick another cross stitch small to have some relief!
Finally, I’m giving myself a personal challenge with FFO‘s this year. I have a small pile that technically shouldn’t be too hard to finish. When I get out my sewing machine to make the tooth fairy pillow, I’ll be making more pillows too! Can’t wait to share those with you!
Happy New Year Mary, good luck with all your 2025 projects, especially the Tooth Fairy