2020 End of Year Summary

What a year it has been! I will reflect on it more as I go, but truly, I have had a really good stitching year! 43! Yes OVER FORTY finishes! That is 43 projects for which the stitching is finished! Now a few of them were started before this year, but still finishing off that many has blown my mind! […]

Last Finishes of the Year and New Starts

Many stitchers, I know, try to finish up a few last projects at the end of the year. Count me among them, I too had to wrap up a few loose ends! First is an ornament I stitched WAY earlier in the year, this little mitten from Mill Hill. This one was started by my grandma and only had about […]

Online Advent Calendar 2020

Welcome, welcome if you are visiting from Jo’s Online Advent Calendar! (If not why not click over to Serendipitous Stitching and check it out?) Each day in December a different blog features some Christmas stitching so there is a lot to see, since now is the 23rd! If you’ve been following along this month you know I’ve been working on […]

December 2020 FFOs

I’m linking up with Rachel the Ten Hour Stitcher for the last Fully Finished Object Gallery of 2020! I was not sure I could get any of my pieces FFO’d this month so anything counts as a triumph! First, of course I HAD to do my daughter’s rocking horse ornament. Here it is on the tree. Oof. This was the […]

November 2020 Smalls Check In

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends! I hope you all had a wonderful day and were able to check in with loved ones even if you could not be with them this year. We had a nice day, just our family, DH, me and the 5 kids. We watched the Macy’s parade in the AM (I cried a little […]

Progress and A Finish

I have been working on my La D Da Holly Drum. I just have the top and bottom to complete. It should be ready for the Smalls check in on Friday! FINALLY I have gotten my last threads for my Drawn Thread Toccata 1! Do you remember this piece from FEBRUARY? I had ordered the last 3 threads I needed […]

FFO Gallery November 2020

I’m linking up with Rachel over at Ten Hour Stitcher again this month for her “Fully Finished Object” gallery. This is just the kick in the pants I need every month to move projects from the “finished stitching” to the “fully finished” stage. It has been a great antidote to the drawer that inevitably ends up collecting those little stitched […]

Autumn Quakers is Finished!

Hooray hooray! I finished Autumn Quakers today! I am smiling so big, I just love how it came out. I am very proud of the silk conversion I came up with, and not to brag too much, but this piece has no counting errors. I am astonished I got through the whole thing without messing up any counting. Now watch […]

How’d I do?

At the beginning of October I had GOALS. I met them. I am proud! Yay! I finished (FFO’d) the 2 small projects I wanted to get done. I got the stitching done on 2 “bonus” smalls: And, I made great progress on Autumn Quakers: The little mauve leaf at the bottom right is the bottom of the sampler. So I […]

Halloween Blog Hop 2020

Happy Halloween and Happy Fall from me and my Just Nan Owls!! Today I’m participating in Jo’s (of Serendipitous Stitching) Halloween Blog Hop! It’s a chance to Trick or Treat at the participating blogs. Your treat is some fall/Halloween stitching AND a letter. Collect all the letters and return to Jo’s to submit the secret message you discover! This week […]