Another Sampler September Check In

Here you can see I’ve made great strides with H Faulkner! She’ll definitely be a finish this month which will be very nice even if I’m not able to start my other sampler. I haven’t decided about the name yet.

And here is Bathya. The pink flowers were easy after the green ones. I have two, only 2! “Stitches of personalization.” I have two horizontal stitches that went in the wrong place. Oh well you can hardly see them and it wasn’t worth it to me to restitch those leaves to make them perfect.

I started the next wide floral band. This is stitched almost entirely in double back stitch and diagonal double back stitch. I love double back stitch (also called closed herringbone). It just flows so well! The diagonal version is trickier. The hard thing is making the turns and corners! What a nightmare! It takes a whole stitching session to put in one strand! And that’s because I have to take out to much too!

However I have succeed in getting the back to look correct and my corners in the front, even if they are not all done exactly the same way, don’t look bad…so I’m going with it.

I’m glad this is a rather narrow sampler! There are only two large flowers in this band. And the next big band is all reversible cross stitch like the alphabet was so that will be considerably easier. I am positively looking forward to it!

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