September Smalls Check In
How can it be the end of September already?! How are we 3/4 of the way through 2021? I heard a theory about the perceived passages of time. The older you get the faster time seems to go because each moment is a smaller fraction of your overall lifespan than it was when you were younger. That is why summer, or waiting for something is SO LONG for kids, but so short for adults!
I put Sampler September on hold last weekend to finish up my small, Vintage Blooms, for the check in. This is by Blackbird Designs. What a sweet stitch. There are 2 ways to stitch it in the chart, one on very large fabric with wool to make a zipper pouch, and the other with NPI solid silks to make a little picture. I did it my own way, with overdyed silks on 40 ct to frame. I would not mind stitching this again. The orange and pink are glorious together.

I have a surprise small as well, and this little piece has a story!

You may recognize this very popular design from Brenda Gervais called Winter Rose Manor. I was among those who waited in eager anticipation for this exclusive design to finally be made public. Like so many of Brenda’s designs, this little bird and flower basket is just so charming and the colors are lovely.
I had heard it might be released so I was trying to be patient. It was hard you know! It is easier to be patient for a sure thing than for something that just might happen. Then, I ordered a lot of miscellaneous fabric on eBay from someone who was selling off a relative’s craft supplies. The seller asked me if I would like any stitched on fabric pieces which she was just going to discard. I thought it wouldn’t hurt so I said I would take them. You never know! Well imagine my surprise when one of those scraps was this piece, completely stitched except for the wing, snowflakes, and hearts! I couldn’t believe my luck! There were a couple of partially stitched WTNT designs as well! I set these aside to decide how to finish them up.
Later that year Winter Rose Manor WAS released and I decided I would like to stitch it myself from scratch. But first I wanted to finish the little piece sent to me. The original stitcher, I discovered, selected her own colors (just like I do!) but I had no record of them so except for the bits I did, I don’t know what they are. I am so happy to have finished up this project for someone and will make sure it is enjoyed! I plan to finish it in a tart pan.
And if you read this far, thank you for listening to my story. Isn’t it nice how so many of our works get their own little creation story? Just like everything I guess! What have you made this month?
Vintage Blooms is SO pretty! Of course Winter Rose Manor is also. And what an interesting story to your little piece.
What an amazing surprise, fate works in mysterious ways. Lovely stitching
What a lovely treat to be able to finish this little piece off.
I do love the juicy colours in the first design too!