What HAVE I been doing?

I feel like I went dark there the past week or so after a flurry of posts at the start of the January. Well, I was making something for my Secret Stitching Sweetheart. If you would like to know more about this Valentine blog hop, check it out HERE. There is information at the bottom of the past several posts. My SSS project is finished now. I look forward to folks seeing it in a couple weeks, and then FFO’ing it for March. It’s very pretty. But I was also glad to get it done and start in on other things.

I decided to concentrate on Luz Gonzalez for what little was left in January. I completed the text and one of the satin stitch sections. I really like this project. It is a beauty.

There is not enough contrast in part of the satin stitch pattern, the pink and white stripes. I think I will pick it out and restitch with a darker filling color but I will do that later.

I started my February “double dip” ornament. I am doing Satsuma Street’s Sugar Plum Fairy. You know you can always visit Mary’s Thread if you need a good dose of eclectic stitching! The only rule around here is it has to be pretty. Here it is after a few days of “waiting in the car” stitching:

Rounding out the eclecticism of the end of the month, I worked on the Stacy Nash Summer Garden Sewing Roll project, just catching up the border and putting some berries in the basket. This is such a nice thing to work on. If I buckled down I could probably finish it this month, but I have other things I ought to do.

Ah! I just caught a tiny mistake in the border! It will not be hard to fix at all but can YOU see it? Sometimes I think these things don’t show up until you take a photo of your work!

I don’t often (hardly ever!) share things I purchase, just because I purchased it. Call me a snob, but referring to my treasured finds “haul” and showing them off seems uncouth to me. Maybe that’s why I can’t get into Flosstube! (I’ve tried! It’s just not for me! I prefer audio books or TV when I’m stitching!) Nonetheless I did want to share this darling tiny thing I found at The Attic last week which I also started right away: Busy Bee by Lindsay Lane Designs. It should take me about 15 minutes to stitch this, right? Ha!

Seriously, I feel like maybe there are less than 100 stitches there. But it is all over one and it turns out the included silk is a bit fuzzy and the included fabric has a bit of a loose weave so it’s taking some time after all. But how cute is it?? I am always amazed at how much can be done with so little. And it was on sale! They had quite a few. Call them up if you want one!

9 thoughts on “What HAVE I been doing?

    • Author gravatar

      Lovely stitching on some super projects, I can’t get on with Flosstube either. Busy Bee is cute, no wonder you picked it.

    • Author gravatar

      You certainly have a diverse assortment of stitching and they are all so pretty. The bee is adorable!! I watch one floss tube and the first few minuets of another. I don’t have the patience for it. Enjoy your weekend!!

    • Author gravatar

      I love that you have a broad range of stitching projects Mary. I never know what new stitching project I will see.
      Like you I’ve never got into FlossTube. If I look at any, it’s for something specific with the rest of the video ‘watched’ on fact forward.

    • Author gravatar

      A very eclectic selection indeed! It’s fun to have a variety and it’s all very pretty. I do love the samplers you choose.
      I do enjoy FlossTube but not the ones who just accumulate stash for the sake of it. I’d rather see people actually stitching things. It’s one of the reasons I started the Just Nan SALs on Facebook. The group was becoming taken over by people showing off their rare finds but never any stitching. Now it’s all about the stitching again!

      • Author gravatar

        I think that was a wise thing you did. I am always glad to follow along with people’s progress even if I’m not joining in myself! Just Nan shopping can be so competitive and that’s not very nice. I wonder how many of those high priced ones sold on eBay or the ones shown off like trophies get stitched. However once they ARE stitched…well I love to see them then! But we all KNOW what the model looks like, right? 🙂

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