Fully Finished 2024
In a blue mood

In a blue mood

I finished making up the little Crowning Glory project this weekend!

This is the crown I was so happy to find on Etsy to make the finish like the model. Isn’t it elegant? It is a doll crown! The inside has a little rusty looking tarnish which makes it glowy in the photo.

Here what the inside looks like, I added twisted cording which gives a nice finished look.

Now what is this crown? Well the inside is padded enough it can be a pin cushion but the cushion is so deep set, it’s not a super convenient pin cushion. As I was thinking what is this thing? I thought of a story when I was an undergrad studying in Paris, I was out with one of my dorm mates and we passed by the Tour St. Jacques. I asked her what it was and she said Bah..c’est un truc quoi! So that’s what this crown is, un joli truc. Anyway, I think it is just a little decoration more than anything and that’s fine. Maybe I’ll put a few bracelets in it on my nightstand. At any rate, I don’t think I’ll use it for pins because…

I also made a real little pin cushion out of a Delft egg cup. I got the egg cup in a Dutch souvenir set and haven’t ever used it. I have seen many little bowls and cups and whatnots made into similar pin cushions and it finally dawned on me that I could get some use out of my egg cup.

The fancy pins are from Jersey Girl Stitch Co and the blue velvet is from Lady Dot Creates. In the photo is seems the velvet doesn’t match so well but in life it isn’t a problem!

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