Something Different
A Brain Break

A Brain Break

I wanted to stitch…I didn’t know what. I wanted to do something new. The holidays are coming. It has been quite a while since I’ve picked up crewel. I do enjoy a bit of crewel and I have a small collection of Chris Davenport designs of ornaments. I decided one of those would do. The Santa. Here is my start:

My only concern is this is a very vintage kit and the wool is a bit furry. It is losing some shreds. I am not sure if it is 100% the wool or the needle. I am using a new needle as the original one was rusted and mine is maybe too small. I will hunt for a better one, but for now I’m just dealing with a bit of shred. It is not totally disintegrating, it’s still stitchable, but it’s a little sheddy. Smaller lengths seem to be helping. Anyway, I like ti too much to give it up!

I have always like Chris Davenport’s artwork. Probably because from when I was small in the 80s, I had one of her alphabet designs as decor over my bed. My mother stitched it.

My mom also stitched me my first Christmas stocking, also by Chris Davenport.

You may remember the couple other ornaments of hers I did myself:

Anyway, It don’t know that I’ll finish this Santa for Christmas this year, but I like having a start on him. It is a nice thing to work on, and a good break from cross stitch.

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