I just couldn’t wait to share this with you, I finished my Amy Mitten Butterfly! I took advantage of having to wait a couple hours for a minor car repair and thought I would just take it along and get it done! That was a successful plan. No interruptions! Quiet waiting room and good, bright florescent light! And aside from […]

Update on the Bucket List 2021

This year my goal is to stitch the “Bucket List” items out of my stash. I’ve finally gotten around to articulating that as a commitment! I guess I’m a little afraid of commitment to stitching projects as I do love to jump around and stitch what strikes me in the moment. But I’ve got a whole basket of Bucket List […]

Slow Progress.

This was supposed to be an end of January progress report but that didn’t work out. Sorry! It’s definitely slower stitching these days. Many tiny tiny stitches make it seem like one stitching session doesn’t result in much progress. But over time it adds up I guess. I finished the 4th inner wing of Amy Mitten’s butterfly. I’m ready to […]

At My Own Pace

I’ve been working on my various projects these past 2 weeks, just going along at my own pace. I haven’t felt like I’ve made a lot of progress so I haven’t been posting. But it’s been a while so I thought I should share anyway. Here’s where everything stands: My small for this month will be Token of Love from […]

Last start of 2020, first start of 2021

On December 31st I made one very last new start for 2020. This is Token of Love by Samplers Not Forgotten. I fell in love with this Nashville kit and had to have it. I was planning to start it all year and never got to it. Well look! After all I did start it in 2020! I think I […]