April Smalls Check In
Hello, hello! It’s the end of April! Time to show off the Small(s) you’ve stitched this month!
Here is mine, a tiny Janlyn kit called Garden Gnome. He came out pretty cute! Time to hunt for a tiny frame!

This is not my usual thing as you know, but it is for someone else so I was glad to make it up. Though I will say the materials in these little kits are less fun to stitch and if I were doing it again I would have swapped them out!
I have been on a little kitting frenzy. Whenever I need an “escape” from homeschooling and the messy kitchen, I run up to my room and cut fabric and pull floss. It feels productive. I’ve been trying to steal some stitching minutes when I sit to help with schoolwork too, but it is nothing like that glorious 20 minutes in the school pick up line which I used to enjoy. Anyway, it’s mostly been for Smalls so hopefully you’ll see some of these finished later this year:

Have you had more time to stitch, or less? Do you see a light at the end of the coronavirus isolation tunnel yet? Are you coping ok? We are fine. Next week our governor will announce if our restrictions will be relaxed or not. I’m just glad my grocery store is not limiting milk purchases any more! With 5 kids we go through a lot of milk and so that is my limiting grocery! Buying only 1 or 2 gallons at a time means many more trips to the store! Well enough of that digression!
I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ve been working on! You can link up here!
Your little gnome is very cute, but nope to that aida! I think I’d much rather have any of the other four you have teased us with!
Your gnome is very cute, Mary.
Such a cute gnome … I’m certainly stitching more just now which is good as I have lots to do
What an adorable gnome Mary! I do not see an end to this virus this year whatsoever! I miss my Mom so much, I had a breakdown sobbing this morning. We are all healthy here.
I’m glad you’re healthy, Vickie! I am sorry you can’t see your mom. I know how that is. Our folks are in Indiana. They had trips planned to come this spring which were cancelled. The worst is my father in law has had several heart problems this month and has been in the hospital, and my husband is not able to go visit or help-even if he traveled, he can’t go to the hospital, and can’t stay at the house because of another immune-compromised relative who lives their. We are crossing our fingers and praying for healing for him. He and his wife had plans to move part time to Arizona later this year. It is hard times for all in one way or another. Lord, have mercy on us!
I am a bit up and down with my stitching time as I have been reading heaps as well. How old are your five children and how are you managing the homeschooling? Hard work for you, I think.
Hi Kaye, My kids are 2, 5, 8, 10, and 12. Only the 3 oldest have school, but the 5 year old has preschool workbooks to he feels like a big kid! Our school has done a good job putting together remote learning tools for us, and the teachers are using Zoom meetings for extra social and tutoring and lessons presentation. It is ok. Real school is better I think! They had to strip down the curriculum a lot to make it manageable for parents, especially those who must work in addition to teaching their kids! Fortunately, I do not have to work outside of the home, and my husband works from home mostly anyway even when there is no coronavirus, so we are in a better situation than many. I have found the biggest difficulty to be the 2 year wanting attention when the big kids need it, and also everyone needing help all at once! And everyone EATING all day long because we work in the kitchen so everyone is always “hungry!” We are living through history. It is quite something.
Oh I love your little gnome. All linked up. Thanks for hosting.
Sure thing! Thanks for always joining in!
Your gnome is so cute Mary. Looking forward to seeing all of your future projects. Sometimes it just feels good to start kitting things up so you can just grab it and start stitching.
Thank you Mary!! I’ll try to have some of them done in May! They’re small!
Thanks for hosting again. Your little gnome is really cute. 🙂
What an adorable finish! It’s always nice to have quick kits ready for stitching.
We are doing well, just taking it one day at a time and still limiting our grocery store outings.