Many little things 

Ahh…it’s the first week of January and can I already be off track? Or am I enjoying an extended vacation and just living by my whims? That’s it. I’ll get serious next week! My whims have me doing 3 ornaments: First, Christmas Blessings is coming along nicely. Next up is a Mill Hill kit (you know how I love them) […]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

At our house we are still celebrating the 12 days of Christmas with lots of cookies, games, and enjoying time off from the Real World. I am very excited about 2017 and my Grand Plans! I will continue Heirloom Nativity and Random Thoughts, with a reasonable hope of finishing them this year. And if I stay on my schedule, MID-year! […]

Instant Gratification

I have signed up for the 2017 Smalls SAL at Stitching Lotus and it’s a good thing too. With a couple big projects going, I need some little things that will actually get done more quickly to stay inspired and feeling like I’m productive! I decided to get started early on the one for January, Mon Petit Jardin by Atalie. […]

Between the Holidays

Between Christmas and New Years and family and feasting there has not been a lot of stitching going! And Random Thoughts seems to be coming along SO SLOWLY. I’m not sure why-it seems like it should be quick. And you know, I was saying before about Birds, that I always thought many pieces from Drawn Thread were a little drab […]

Random Thoughts

Here’s how the Heirloom Nativity is coming! I love it! So pretty! And this first part went rather quickly so that is nice. Now  I did cheat a little bit on  my plan..I got the first 7 bands done, but then I started up the 8th, just to finish up the evening last night. I would have gotten more on […]

Coming Right Along

I got a lot done this weekend! All week I have been fussing with this Sweetheart Tree ornament which I started in 2012, finished in 2015, and which has sat around “unfinished” for the last year. I was emboldened to try the same technique as the friendship A frame, but with a heart shape. It worked! I hand stitched the […]

Something New

It’s been sitting there, all kitted, for several years. Then I put it on the frame this summer where it sat for several months. I went to start it and couldn’t consistently count to 34 to find the edge. So…then I decided I really needed to use some of that red marking string, the stuff like fishing line, because this […]

Secret finish!

Well, in the background ever since I started the blog, I’ve been working on this sweet little friendship sampler by JBW Designs as a gift for a dear friend. Her birthday was a while ago and I had gotten the stitching done but it took some figuring to manage the finish. I knew what I wanted but as I have […]

Feeling Productive!

Lounging Hare has proved to be a great motivator this week-I can’t wait to really get into it. So, I have FINALLY finished For the Birds! Ta Da! I really like it! I plan to frame it up myself.  I need to find a frame with a 7 1/2″ square opening. Not likely, right? I will have to order one. […]

My Very First Workshop!

Ooh, I am so lucky to have gotten a fantastic early Christmas present! The Attic Needlework Shop offered classes last weekend with Sherri Jones and I attended The Lounging Hare Sewing Box workshop. Was that ever fun! The project is darling, the wooden box I got is exquisite, the ladies were all very nice, and the lunch was yummy.  We […]